What Is Forest Bathing?

Beloved, do you want

1. Better Health?

2. Change of Perspective?

3. Tapping into a new found sense of freedom in your life?

4. Feelings of a renewal of your body/mind/soul & spirit?

5. How about changing your lifestyle?

Have you ever tried forest bathing?

It's time to step back into your innermost truest nature, and immerse your entirety in the healing embodiment of nature with Forest Therapy, also known as Shinrin-Yoku, which originated in Japan in the 1980s.

In Japan, forest bathing is very common since most of his country is 67% forest, this amazing health Reset is available 24/7.

Recent research highlights a remarkable benefit of forest bathing, or Shinrin-Yoku, showing it significantly enhances human natural killer (NK) cell activity, crucial in our body's defense against infections and cancer.

Studies reveal that after a session of forest bathing, both male and female participants experience a boost in the number of NK cells, and an increase in anticancer proteins such as perforin, granulysin, and granzymes. The results of these benefits last 1 to 4 weeks post forest bathing in the forest.

Our society continues to pursue happiness in things, exchanging their unhealthy practices of attachment, instead of changing their environment into a more natural state. What better environment to practice healthy emotional, mental, and cellular health than immersing ourselves into the forest.

I practice this philosophy as a deep part of self-healing, self-care, self-connection, and self-transformation. The key components are invisible to the naked eye. It is a Spiritual living, and loving practice in inhaling the essence of the forest. These moments are shared within our collective to help ourselves in understanding the healing benefits of nature, and being in the forest, how beautiful to behold.

🪶In this study, it lists the physical Health Benefits:
- Boost your immune system and reduce inflammation with exposure to fresh air and nature.

Enhance your cardiovascular health and physical fitness through gentle, yet effective physical exercise like hiking, meditation, yoga, and walking.
- Benefit from phytoncides, natural compounds released by plants that have potent health benefits.
- Decrease your pulse rate

🧠 Mental Health Benefits:
- Experience significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Enjoy improvements in mood and cognitive function, leading to better overall well-being. You can see clearly by focusing on yourself, and what is around you.
- Restore your mental energy, focus more easily, and recover from mental fatigue, and stress.

This growing public interest underlines its potential as a powerful tool in stress management and overall well-being enhancement. Why not you? Why not now? Wealthier permitting, we are preparing our next venture into the forest.

Keep in touch, ask me about the dates when we will be visiting into the beautiful forest. Come and join us, and experience the amazing health benefits as we all begin a new life practice of forest bathing, experiencing connecting with the elements of Mother Nature.

Learn how to let go of what is holding you down, and learn to embrace the healing power of nature with forest bathing and turn your walks into a practice by deciding for yourself to care for yourself on this amazing wellness journey! 🌿💪